I turn to Hawkins every year. Literally every year. Every time I get annoyed by poetry, or feel like it's too pretentious or too ivory colored or too whatever, Hawkins saves me. He's my poetic-antiseptic, something that cleans everything away and steadies me to get back to it. In fact, I tend to open any reading I give with a poem of his; it... cleans the air. I would say more about his actual poems... but they are rather tough to talk about, so I'll quote two. I guess to say something at all, Hawkins poems are the truest of poems, because they simply can't be anything else. I guess that's enough. But first, here is the logic test that one of the book's reviewers created, so you can see if this is for you:
- Most of the people who most love the work of Spike Hawkins are poets.
- You are mostly a poet.
- You should mostly love most of the work of Spike Hawkins most.
And now for two poems.
pufferIt is fridayI clean my riflecarefullyand wait for the bean train
This last one is spectacularly good, and reminds me that poets can write jokes sometimes.
small spell for turning people inside outMy back!I'm back!
Please read this awesome, awesome book.